When I started Leaping Hart Press, I had such high hopes for a slow but deliberate march towards getting the books all re-edited, copy-edited and published. I still have those hopes, but fate had a few stumbling blocks for me and the press. The first, I had an unexpected triple-bi pass surgery that knocked me down pretty hard. The recovery takes a full year, to stitch the sternum back together, get my ribs where they used to be, deal with a laundry list of drugs that while keeping one alive, also make you woozy and miserable. But each day gets better...slowly. So I beg your patience a little while longer. The books are being worked on -- by a terrific copy editor and proof reader -- an author's dream-- who cares a great deal about the work she does, helping authors write their best works. Send me an email and I will happily forward her information to you.
In the meantime, let us turn toward a new year, that while it still presents challenges, we are hardy enough to continue making craft and art and wonderful books.
All Best,